
Cortana Released Officially for iOS and Android

Recently we saw that Microsoft had initiated the tests with Cortana in iOS, thus demonstrating that the date for the public availability of the voice controlled assistant was getting closer. Now, the Redmond company has finally released the app for download in the App Store, allowing Apple system users can finally enjoy the novelties presented by rival Siri. As Cortana is still not compatible with our language, however, will only be possible to download it if you use the device in the US region, it is necessary to speak or type commands in English.

According revealed, various functions of the assistant are already present in this first public release, such as:
  • Reminders sync between your computer and your smartphone, with information on location and date / time
  • Tracking of flights, packages, stocks in the stock market and other important information
  • Use Cortana Notebook to view and edit personal information, ensuring greater knowledge base for assistant
  • Perform searches and get answers on various questions
  • Entertainment functions like jokes and questions "personal"
As can be seen, the user experience of Cortana will be very similar to what was seen in its version for Android released in beta for some time and that now arrived in his stable version, thus demonstrating that Microsoft plans to actually build a multiplatform assistant count with few differences between them, thus ensuring a more intuitive experience between users who migrate from one system to another.
Cortana Released Officially for iOS and Android
Remember that the main difference between Cortana in other platforms and what we have in Windows 10 is that the assistant be just another application in these systems while in Windows 10 it is an integral part, not needing so break away from restrictions imposed by the developer the platform and relying on full access to the most varied sectors. This, however, may be increasingly worked for Microsoft in future updates of Cortana for Android and iOS, a partnership with Google and Apple being held so that the assistant has greater freedom.

There is still no information about the arrival of Cortana to our country for iOS clients, leaving we wait that Microsoft has ruled to let us know if Apple users will have to wait long after the arrival of the software to members of the Insiders program on Windows 10 Mobile, which the company itself will get the wizard still this December.

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