
Implementing Periodic Table On Page SEO Ranking Factors

When you start finding a blog position in the search engines you have to distinguish between two clearly differentiated areas. What will you do in your page (on page SEO) and what are you doing outside (off page SEO).

In my last post I shared “Periodic Table of on Page SEO Ranking Factors” and I'll talk about how you can improve your search engine visibility with on page SEO, which is showing you how you can apply these ranking key factors for success SEO. 

On Page SEO Ranking Factors

On Page SEO Ranking Key Factors:

Content :

Clear and good spelling indispensable, a blog post content is not a SMS. Avoid abbreviations and especially do not try to kick the dictionary. Original and quality content, and frequency of publication of regularly at least two post a week.

There are many bloggers who are able to post 2,000 or 3,000 words and other written texts of 300 or 400. What matters is not the size of the text but is capable of solving the problems of the readers. Always look for the best value deal. 

HTML Tags:


The title is texts that appear at first. The title must always be original and attractive that so people will feel like going to read the contents. Ensure that title not great than 70 characters to fully appear in the search results of Google. 


If the title has to be original description shouldn’t be less. At your disposal are 160 characters to show the world that the thousands of results that appear in Google to search for a keyword yours are the best. Moreover, the description directly affects the CTR of your blog so you always have to refill it. 


The labels serve to structure your content in an organized manner. H1 is the most important because it refers to the title of your post and therefore must have your keywords.

The H2, H3 ... labels refer to the subtitles, may be more also extensive and are positive to give more value to your keywords but not convenient to enter exact keyword in every one of the labels. 



If the sitemap.xml file indexes your web pages, the robots.txt file that tells search engines index and crawl web page or not. Take this small file to Google Spider does not take into account files or labels that add unnecessary information. 


Try to make your website to be quick load and to keep visitors. Search engines hate slow pages. If it takes too long to load readers not waste time and go away from your site. Most people do esta. Google knows esta websites and penalize those that are loaded in a very slow manner. 


URLs must be user and search friendly, That is, must not distort that contain rare elements, such as unnecessary symbols or numbers. If the title of your post you have 10 words you need not contain the entire URL. That make sure the URL is short. Focus only on the main keyword avoiding putting prepositions and articles.


Outgoing Links 

If you can complete the information in your blog post with an outbound link to a website of the same industry or even pages of great authority, for example, Wikipedia, the better option. This consistency will earn your text and add value to your visitor. Never links pages penalized by Google or containing spam. 

Internal links 

It is interesting That each of your post connecting At least another post your site. This way you are giving authority to the pages that you link and if your visitor goes through internal link esta win it spends more time diving on your page. Also it is interesting to create a section of the type "Similar Post" or "Related Content" as an easy way to create internal links. 

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