
How to minify CSS for blogger blog

Minifying CSS is simply making your CSS coding more diminutive. In other words “Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters and white spaces from code to reduce its size, and optimizing the CSS code”. I now realize that minify your CSS you have to know whether you are utilizing all your CSS and in the event that you aren't then something needs to change. If your templates are loading all that CSS and you are not using it, it makes sense that much of it can be erased (unwanted CSS).
How to minify CSS for blogger blog

It doesn’t matter how you use CSS code in blogger template (inline, internal, external files) smaller is better and will help your webpages load faster but inline CSS reduce page load time so if possible avoid inline CSS.

Always keep in mind the average size of the CSS file is fewer than 25kb. You can use online CSS minifying tools like cssminifier.com, csscompressor.com, refresh-sf.comminifycss.com and freeformatter.com or any other according your suite.

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