Keyword Density:
How often a word to the total length of the text is used, is given in
percent. Is your text 500 words and is the key word ten times before, and then
you have a keyword density of 2%. For a long time the range of 3-6%. Meanwhile,
the rate is 2-4%. But there are quite websites that are listed with a keyword
density of less than one percent at the front and an excessive use is even punished
by Google. The text must be as a whole to re-read and the software will
recognize certainly if it is a text with a logical content, or the keyword
density is artificially boosted.
Short Tail Keywords
which consist of one or two words are called Short Tail. Boost SEO, Make Blog
or Search Ranking. The results often be several million results, so you'll have
to provide a lot of content to get it to do with those keywords all the way
forward. There many looking for it, but just as many use it in their contents.
In addition, the bounce rate is very high. Does the site visitor not discover
in the first few seconds the value, he goes back to the search results page and
clicks the next result.
Long Tail Keywords
should I consider when Boosting SEO?" "How to rank my blog in Google
search first page?" "How do I write a blog post in few minute?"
The search is more precise and when someone types in a meaningful sentence in
the search box, it remains statistically longer on your side. Provided, of
course, that the text not only the keywords and blah-blah has, but the reader
can have an added value.
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