
Instagram Introduces The Hashtag Web Search Functionality

Instagram has launched globally to search for places, people, images and even hashtags on the web platform. The company also announced it in his official Twitter account: "Starting today, you can search people, places and hashtags on web."

So far, searches were only possible from the mobile application, which kept him in good stead at the web platform, which always showed a somewhat tasteless, abandoned look.
Instagram Introduces The Hashtag Web Search Functionality
The company has begun to remedy the problem by modifying the slide show with a design strip cleaner and organized images, although it seems clear that the web will never be a top priority for the company and the proof is the time they have It slow to launch a so elementary as this function.

The function allows use the search box to find places, accounts or user profiles and even hashtags and is available to all users globally from today, something we already have seen their own.

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