
How to fix the 404 page not found error in blogger blog

The Error 404 "Page not found" is the blunder page showed at whatever point somebody requests a page that is basically not accessible on your site. The explanation behind this is that there may be a connection on your site that wasn't right or the page may have been as of late expelled from the site. As there is no website page to show, the web server sends a page that essentially says "404 Page not found".

Having a decent Error 404 page is maybe as imperative as having incredible substance. Off and on again it may not be your issue visitors arrived on slip pages, however having the capacity to convey and immediate them once more to the landing page is comparable to another opportunity to re-captivate a visitor.

Create a blog Error 404 Page

In the event that you don't have an Error 404 page on your site or online journal, you ought to most likely begin considering making one.

Create a blog Error 404 Page:

1.     Go to your Blogger Dashboard
2.     Click on >> Pages
3.     Click on >> New Page.
4.     Click on >> HTML.
5.     Copy and paste below HTML code and change highlighted text.
<!-- Blogger Error 404 Page --><link href='http://googledrive.com/host/0B5suMngBCm4DMVlzR3hMZlVVZmc' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>  <p style='line-height: 30px'><strong><font color='#ff0000' size='5'>Oops!</font> <font color='#666666'>Looks like you either clicked a broken link or a page that you were looking for doesn't exist. <br/> Kindly do one of the followings:</font></strong></p>  <ol style='line-height: 25px'>    <li><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>&#171; Go Back</a> </li>    <li>Report the Problem to us by <a href=' http://lablance.blogspot.com/p/contact-us.html'>Clicking Here</a>&#160;&#160;&#160; (<em>This will help us serve you even better</em>) </li>
    <li>Go To Homepage by <a href= 'http://lablance.blogspot.com/'>Clicking Here</a>
      <br/></li><li>Search Anything Using Below Search Box</li>  </ol><br /> <center><form _lpchecked='1' action='/search' class='search-form' id='search_mini_form' method='get'><input id='searchinput' name='q' onblur='if (this.value == &apos;&apos;) {this.value = &apos;Type Here & Hit Enter&apos;;}' onfocus='if (this.value == &apos;Search the site&apos;) {this.value = &apos;&apos;;}' type='text' value='Type Here & Hit Enter'/><input id='searchbutton' style='vertical-align: top;' type='submit' value='Search!'/></form></center>  <p>    <br/>    <br/>    <br/></p><p align='center'><font size='5'>Page Not Found!</font></p><br /> <br /> <br />
<p align='center'> <font style='font-size:150px; font-weight:bold;' color='red'> 404 </font></p>
Redirect to Error 404 Page:

Redirect to Error 404 Page

1.     Go to your Blogger Dashboard
2.     Click on >> Setting.
3.     Click on >> Search preferences.
4.     Click on >> Custom Page Not Found edit button.
5.     Copy and paste below script and save change.
<script type = "text/javascript">BSPNF_redirect = setTimeout(function() {location.href= "http://lablance.blogspot.com/p/error-404-page.html"}, 0);</script>

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