
Apple patented stylus with Taptic Engine and Haptic feedback

Every day can be patented Apple new technologies. Whether, however, ever make this all in a product, is more than questionable. Not only Apple secures regular new patents, also many other companies patented technologies to allow this then disappear into a drawer.

Apple patented stylus with haptic feedback

The US Patent and Trademark Office makes a new patent made ​​public showing that Apple is working on a stylus or at least the possibility is considering, in the future to present a stylus.
Apple patented stylus with haptic feedback

The new patent goes by the name “Touch haptic feedback for simulating implement with surface texture" describes a stylus with Taptic Engine and Haptic feedback. In the application of the pen, the user to receive tactile feedback.

The applications and the haptic feedback could be manifold. So the pen could for example give feedback on when a button is confirmed on the display. Apple but also describes different feedback which gives the stylus when it is performed on the display, for example, via various virtual surfaces. It feels different when the pen over paper, glass or wood sliding.

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