many, the support of lists is a neglected or forgotten feature on Twitter. For
some it is even a completely unknown aspect of popular social networking
service. Existed for six years does the feature already have, but it seems only
now to have his big moment.
a pity when you consider what potential they have to help users to keep abreast
of developments in respect to certain subject areas, as discussed by the people
and brands they follow. In contrast to Twitter's recent Moments feature, which
focuses on special topics or events over which was tweeted by any number of
Twitter accounts, regardless of whether they follow independently the accounts
or not.
lists can be used to your own feed in groups of users to classify, the
similarities are such as sports, technology or humor. The app Listomatic created
or expanded lists, based on the people you follow. Details within the list can
be updated and edit simple manner. If a new list is to be started, only
sufficient to enter a key word and the app will suggest appropriate users.
Updates and changes in the lists can be made any time.
Listomatic is Twitter lists can be quickly and easily create. Once you have
logged in with your own Twitter account with Listomatic, you can see the
so-called "list suggestions" of the app, so recommended by the app lists,
from a variety of topics subscribe.
you can create its own list by typing a name, a description and tags. Opt for
the latter, is their list then automatically accounts which follow colonized,
which are known to tweet about the issues that you have specified in the
a list is created, you can quickly see the Feed by pressing the button, which
will automatically open the official Twitter app. Listomatic leaves a also
lists the set you are creating in the future to "private by default",
meaning that they will not be visible to other users and members are not
notified of their summary.
is supported on iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s
Plus now available on the App Store.
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