
Computer Science Education Week, Microsoft Promotes "The Code Hour"

The Computer Science Education Week begins on Monday, 7, and Microsoft continues the third edition of the campaign "Time Code", which uses the language blocks to teach students and teachers to program for free. The initiative is part of YouthSpark, Microsoft's project to generate employment opportunities and support entrepreneurship.

Microsoft Promotes "The Code Hour"
Today on December 13, Microsoft plans to hold at least 100,000 events in over 50 countries to teach more than 250 thousand young people to program in online workshops. The objective is that young people learn basic fundamentals of computer science and the concepts used to make applications, essential knowledge for professionals Century 21. Just this week, the company intends to reach ten million young people, a number that will grow until the end of the year.

The Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, attended the official launch of "The Code Hour" at school Rainier View in Seattle. Satya interacted with students while they used the tutorial coding based on the game "Minecraft" - game that has more than 100 million players around the world - to learn basic programming concepts within a popular and fun environment. The tutorial is available worldwide, with Portuguese version for Brazil.

In Brazil, Neymar Jr Institute, already partner of the initiative, will provide the children served by the project on the coast the opportunity to build your first application, receive an online certificate and discover a new career possibility. Other non-governmental organizations also participate in the campaign. These include ATN (Telecentre Information and Business Association), Brasilia, and CDI (Center for Digital Inclusion), which will promote workshops in partnership with four institutions recode program communities in Rio de Janeiro.

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