How to make your blog more
SEO Friendly using Robots.txt? By setting blogger blogs robots.txt file is helps
Googlebot to quick crawling and indexing blogs on search engines. Aside from
that, customization of the robots.txt is also a part of search engine
optimization. Before configurations of robots.txt file you must need to know
that what is robots.txt file and how it effects on blog SEO?
Robots.txt file is
simply a convention to govern the web crawler or search engine robots to
discover or prevent all pages or just a few pages of a blog.
For example, there is a
page that does not want to index and show to the public on the search engines
then we can utilize the functionality of this robots.txt to block these pages.
All blog on blogspot platform
already have a robots.txt given by blogger. By default robots.txt on a blog
like this:
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-ageant: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Here we analysis all of
the above robots.txt code. The following is an explanation:
Mediapartners-Google (Google's user agent indicates that this blog is a partner
of Google)
Disallow: (Which is not
allowed there)
User-agent: * (All robotic
Search Engine or Googlebots)
Disallow: / search (Not
allowed to crawl the search folder and string, like .... /Search /label and ...
/ search? ...)
Allow: / (Allow all pages
to be crawled, except that written on Disallow above. Signs [/] or less means
that the name of the blog)
Sitemap: http: // Blog
address / sitemap.xml (sitemap in xml format (Search Engine Friendly))
All above robots.txt configuration
should index all the articles and pages on your blog because the robot web crawl
Disallow all search string results. To solve the problems that arises in
blogspot blogs after we remove /search in the code Disallow: / search to allow
the robot crawler to index all the pages, we can either edit it again using the
second text robot setting with the following configuration.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: / search? updated-min =
Disallow: / search? updated-max =
Disallow: / search / label / *? updated-min =
Disallow: / search / label / *? updated-max =
Allow: /
To prevent duplicate
content or the title of a blog, especially duplicate content occurs because the
blog may be accessed from a mobile phone you can edit robots txt setting like
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: / search
Disallow: /? m = 1
Disallow: /? m = 0
Disallow: / *? m = 1
Disallow: / *? m = 0
User- agent: *
Disallow: / search
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