
Attackers Sprayed "Facebook Dislike" on Hamburg Facebook Headquarters

A group of 15 to 20 people attacked the Facebook building with stones, smoke bombs and color glasses on Saturday night. Windows were smashed. The announcement was made on 13 December 2015, the Hamburg police. On the building the word "facebook dislike" was sprayed.  7 smoke bombs were thrown at the entrance of Caffamacherreihe. According to witnesses who also called "Facebook dislike" when they stormed the building. However, one was injured.

facebook dislike
Among the motives for the attack so far nothing is known. However, the police rule out a politically motivated act. The Facebook team in Germany moved in early 2015 in vacant office space directly behind the Axel Springer building. Facebook hired at its new headquarters on three floors. Now 50 people work there for the social network.
The Group was dressed in black and wore balaclavas. Regarding the amount of property damage, no details could still be made. The state took over the protection of investigations.

In a letter of confession of the anarchist real-life hacking team at Indymedia for the attack it says on Facebook: "You can you link up socially with us, but what you get to see, emerges who and what message with you and who your real friends are we to decide who controls the Internet, controls not only the knowledge of mankind but also influenced so that their views, preferences and habits -.. everything individualized highly "Facebooks manipulation of communication are completely tacky.

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