
Google launches Material Design Lite Framework For Web and App

Google announced Material Design in June, a style manual to unify all of Google applications, whether they were for Android, Web etc. The result was good and that's why from Google Developers has launched a website where they have introduced a new framework to implement Material Design Lite in web design.

In such Material Design Lite we will find a series of accessories such as buttons, checkboxes, fonts and many more elements that follow a pattern established by Google style, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. And all well prepared for any web designer implement it in their own projects.
Material Design Lite For Web and App

Use Material Design Lite

The code to implement Material Design Lite in our projects can be downloaded from GitHub. It weighs only 27kb and contains an extensive library of components that use our website projects and applications.

In Material Design Lite also we find 5 different templates to use in our blog, android app, panel management, a website or a single page of text.

Also, if you want to integrate some of the elements of the Google library it has also provided a "customize section "where to make changes in those elements regarding color, etc.

Keep in mind that all these elements and this library will work correctly in the last two versions of the browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge. Material Design Lite is optimized for use in large, complex web sites as well as on any mobile devices. That is one hundred percent compliant with the guidelines set by the Responsive Web Design.

In short, Material Design Lite is nothing but the way Google thinks it should be designed all websites. Google has always wanted your browser search Star websites provide results that are fast loading, clean design, which provide adequate user experience and adapt to mobile devices.

Material Design Lite to launch, Google is inviting all designers and developers to follow the line for them. Currently there are unlikely to be advantage in those pages that implement this library over the others, but who knows what the future

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