
Best SEO Tips to Increase Organic Google Traffic

Organic traffic is a free SEO service which includes all visits to your blog that come from a targeted keyword search on the Google search engine. Blogger who want to build their free audiences are very interested in increasing the site rankings that their content gets in top 10 Google keyword searches.

There are many SEO tips that you can use to boost your blogs Google search rankings for similar keywords that are related to your blog content. Many bloggers use black hat SEO tricks to trying to circumvent the Google algorithm by paying for building website backlinks to their sites and other paid services that can help boost their blog or website search rankings in the short-term but could be in violation of Google's policies and hurt their blogs in the long-term and Google may banned their blogs.

A simple and easy way to increase organic Google traffic to your blog is organically without a trick or bot, by concentrating on building a blog that visitors exactly want, talk about, and share, your blog search rankings will grow naturally but slowly. That type of growth is a powerful thing and leads to traffic bump that will last for a very long time.

Here are some best SEO tips to boost your blog organic Google traffic.

Fresh and Quality Content

Content is King so fresh and quality content is one of the most important ranking factor that Google and other search engines likes Yahoo, Bing etc. consider in first page of search history when ranking search results is the quality of blogs. That means your content should be focused on your blog's niche topic, so your audience continually gets fresh useful content to read. In time, Google bot should identify your blog as a destination for specific content in trillions of indexed webpages.

Building Relevant Content

Google also considers timespan factor how long visitors stay on your blog in its search algorithm. When blog visitors stick around blog content and visit multiple posts on your blog at same time, which tells Google that your blog content is relevant and useful to visitors. With that in mind, take the time to create user-friendly navigation that leads visitors to related content like adding a related post widget and most popular post widget, which could keep engage them a bit longer.

User Review Experience

User reviews are another important ranking factor to boosting organic Google traffic. Make sure that the user experience on your blog is always good. Google considers the faster page load speeds higher ranking than a blog with slower page load speed.

Role of Internal Links

Role of internal linking within your blog posts that lead to your best content, related useful content can help to boost your blog organic Google traffic. By making internal links within anchor text attention to your best and relevant blog content, visitors will value your blog and return to your blog back again.

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