
Setup Template Framework Schema.org / Webmaster for Your Website

When I do a structured data test of my blog within Google webmaster tools it only picks up items within the hatom microformats.org and every Items with Errors (like Missing: author, Missing: updated) that is related to the webpage hatom (markup: microformats.org) schema is ignored and not recognized as part of the professional service. I understand about nesting them and why it's happening. Here I will share blogger template framework that is validate itemtype in itemscope attributes for schema.org.

Run-through and test also proved satisfactory results after few days in webmaster tools with items and items error.
Template Framework Schema.org / Webmaster
Setup following tags with itemtype in itemscope of Schema.org:
Replace your blogger blog default <html> tag code with below code.
<HTML expr:class='data:blog.languageDirection + &quot; no-js rwd&quot;' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/Blog' lang='en'>
Head Tag:
Find <head>tag and replace this with below code.
<head prefix='og: http://ogp.me/ns# fb: http://ogp.me/ns/fb# article: http://ogp.me/ns/article#'>
Body Tag:
Search <body> tag in template and replace this with below code.
 <body itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/Article'>
Post Content:
Find <b:includable id='post' var='post'> inside your blog template and add below code after this.
                <article class='post hentry' expr:id='data:post.id' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/BlogPosting'>
Header tag:
Find 'header-wrapper' inside your blog template and replace all header tag with below code.
<header id='header-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/WPHeader'>
Footer Tag:
Find 'footer-wrapper' inside your blog template and replace all footer tag with below code.
<footer id='footer-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/WPFooter'>
Sidebar Content:
Find ' aside ' inside your blog template and replace all codewith below code.
<aside id = 'sidebar-wrapper' itemscope = 'itemscope' itemtype = ' http://schema.org/WPSideBar '>
Author vcard:
Find <div class='post-author vcard'> inside your blog template and add below code within <div class='post-author vcard'> </div> tag.
                          <b:if cond='data:post.authorProfileUrl'>
<span class='fn author'>
<a expr:href='data:post.authorProfileUrl' itemprop='author' itemscope='' itemtype='http://schema.org/Person' rel='author' title='author profile'>
<span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='' itemtype='http://schema.org/Person' rel='author' title='author profile'>
Note the above codes in good framework, the core of the discussion is not on the template, but the overall framework discussed here is valid schema .org webmaster tools Notice html code in block red.

These code affected within 2 days in webmaster tools  Search Appearance , Structured Data tab, To check it rapidly please enter one of the blog posts link to a rich snippet.

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