
How to automatically tweet Blogger blog posts with Feedburner

In past few years Twitter has become an incredibly social media tool for connecting with blog readers and growing a faster following. It's a best platform for socializes, publicize and sometimes just have little interesting things in 140 characters or less. As bloggers we spend lot of time to post valuable articles and lot of effort to share blog post on several social networking sites to drive more and more traffic on our blogs or websites. There's nothing worse than putting in the work, then not having anyone visit it. If you want to drive visitors, you've acquired to publicize blog posts. Twitter is a vital tool in today's blogging era and if you're not using it you should be a looser.

Auto tweets Blog Post on Twitter with Feedburner:
Blog feeds are an excellent way to distribute their large and small post contents to a large number of people in an accessible format. Feeds are permitted blog visitors to get regular updates via mail services as well as tweets on their Twitter accounts. If the options you choose create messages longer than 140 characters, FeedBurner will automatically truncate your messages into 140 character tweets.
Among other things, Feedburner has a key feature to tweets to publicize all of your new content with hash tags.

Setup Twitter account with Feedburner:
It’s not hard to setup a twitter account with Google Feedburner just follows step by step and you can do it easily.
1. First of all login into your Feedburner Account.
2. Select the feed you'd like publicized.
3. Click on the Publicize tab in top menu.
4. Click on the Socialize tab exist in left sidebar.
This will open a screen looks like this:
tweet Blogger blog posts with Feedburner
Now it's time to configure Twitter account with the feed for automatic tweets. 
To add a Twitter Account click on Adda Twitter Account option - This will open a new window to Authorize Google to use your account. Click on authorize app button, your account is added, and then Feedburner does the rest. Now save you feed.

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