
How to make blog Home Page content more valued to visitors

First look is most important part of a blog or website to revisits site. So every blogger needs to design a eyes catching blog that means not only design a good looking blog but also place your site valuable content above the fold line. A fold line is part of our blog (top section) which is display without scrolling our blog. We placed valued content above the fold as a gateway for visitors to navigate anywhere on our blog.

We would mostly acquire top 500 or more pixels of space for valued content with all the important sections (Most Popular Posts, Featured Post, Recent Post, Navigation Menu Bar, Pages Menu, Social Share, Subscriber Form, Search Bar etc.) of our blog. We wanted to our blog visitors to know about valued contents of our blog which forced them to revisit our blog.
make blog Home Page content more valued to visitors

Why valued content above the fold line:
Whenever, the blog arrival of smartphones and tablets has forever changed the way of access information and navigate around the web. Smartphones taught visitors how to scroll and swipe, and as such have reinvented the way in which webpages are designed. So, how this changed in responsive multi-screen digital world?

On a blog webpage, the fold section is the area of a page displayed to the visitors without them having to scroll. Based on a standard 1280x720 pixel screen resolution, the area highlighted in dotted line is generally how content is accessible to visitors on a landing webpage.

Substance areas over the fold are still greatly vital, yet rather than simply offering everything there, the trepidation bases on the thought that visitor may not have wanted to scroll. Rather, we now need to restrict down our center, utilizing space over the fold to impart our primary ideas that will make visitors want to read the rest of the webpage content.

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